Friday, May 28, 2010

Wildfire Approaching

CALL FOR HELP. Use a cell phone if your electrical power has been interrupted.

CLOSE ALL ENTRANCES, WINDOWS AND OTHER OPENINGS. This includes doors, garage doors, windows, vents and any other entrances to your residence or garage. Close shutters, heavy drapes, Venetian blinds or other window coverings. This action is recommended to prevent sparks from blowing inside your house and igniting there.

HAVE TOOLS & WATER ACCESSIBLE. Have a shovel, rake and long water hose accessible. Fill buckets and other bulk containers with water.

DRESS TO PROTECT YOURSELF. Wear cotton/woolen clothing including long pants, a long-sleeved shirt, gloves and a handkerchief to protect your face.

WET DOWN THE ROOF. If your roof is combustible, wet it down with a hose. Place the ladder you use for this task on the side of the roof opposite the fire.

TURN OFF RESIDENTIAL FUEL. If you use natural gas or butane, turn it off at the tank or the meter.

PREPARE THE AUTOMOBILES. Back as many vehicles as possible into the garage. Then close the garage door. In the event you evacuate, close the garage door behind you as you leave. If you do not have a garage or if the garage is full, park vehicles so they are heading in the direction of the evacuation route.

EVACUATE THE FAMILY. If evacuation becomes necessary, take your family and pets to a safe location.


Posted by Colleen C.

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