Friday, February 19, 2010

Space Heater Safety Tips

It’s easy to turn a space heater on and forget about it for hours on end, but that can lead to big trouble … especially if you don’t remember to:

1) Put it on a flat surface where it can’t fall or get knocked over;

2) Leave a door open for good ventilation, and;

3) Put it at least three feet away from furniture, curtains, Christmas trees, or pets and their bedding.

(Because Fido wants to stay warm, too, that adorable little guy may drag his doggie blanket over to the heater and plop his furry bee-hind down as close to the warmth as he can, inadvertently blocking the air flow.)

If you decide to use a space heater, you’ll want to plug it directly into the outlet instead of using household extension cords because they can overheat and cause sparks. If that short cord attached to your heater just doesn’t allow you to get it where you need it, use a heavy duty extension cord marked with a power rating as high, or higher than, as what’s listed on your heater label. But remember that if any of your extension cords are frayed or have damaged cords, you should get rid of them – they’re a fire waiting to happen.

Ever had an electric shock? They're not exactly a high point in anyone's life. You’ll avoid them by keeping your heater (or any other electrical appliance, etc.) away from water or anywhere liquids can be spilled.

If you’ve acquired as many appliances and pieces of equipment as we have over the years, then you're aware that they all eventually break down. Well, space heaters are no exception to that aggravating rule, so that’s why you’ll want to make sure someone who is awake is in the room the entire time the heater is on and that they remember to shut it off if they’re the last one to leave.

Statistics show that space heaters need to be properly used and supervised to avoid property damage and death. We may feel that our belongings are irreplaceable, but they are nothing compared to the loss of a loved one.

Posted by Colleen C.

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