Thursday, January 7, 2010

Interview with the Bon Carbo Volunteer Fire Dept. Chief - Mary Aann Herzog

How long have you been with the Bon Carbo Fire Department?

I've been with the fire department 12 1/2 years as a firefighter and I was a Board member for a year or so before joining the team.

Why did you want to become a firefighter?

The thrill and community need.

What certifications and trainings have you had?

Several certified courses: Wildland S130/190, Wildland Fire Behavior S290, Wildland Urban Interface S215, Advanced Fire Training S131, Initial Attack IC S200, Incident Command I200 and NIMS 700 as well as medical triage training, emergency vehicle driver safety, and structure fire attack. I have completed the TAD First responder course. Also, regular training and practice on our emergency vehicles and equipment.

What is your favorite part of being a firefighter?

Honestly .... the rush. The feeling when the team gets the upper hand on the situation and you made a difference.

What do you do for a living?

I am self employed as a painter - houses inside and out.

What activities do you enjoy outside of being a firefighter?

Being home. Being with family. Being outdoors.
An occasional road trip. And I love my camera.

Posted by Colleen C.

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