Monday, July 13, 2009


By R and C Ciccozzi

In January of 2008 we read a notice in the post office about a meeting and potluck that was going to be held at the Bon Carbo Volunteer Fire Department Fire Hall. Being new to the area, we thought it would be a good way to get to know our neighbors and learn about our community. We were impressed with what we saw and heard at that meeting, so much so that we've been a part of the auxiliary ever since and have volunteered a few hours of our time periodically over the last year

In January of this year, the auxiliary members were there for us in a big way-not only with a thoughtful fruit basket and moral support, but they also volunteered their time and drove to our house each day to feed our dogs, enabling us to stay in Pueblo while we worked through a medical crisis.

It's comforting to know that this community of volunteers can be counted on when needed. Our undying appreciation and love goes out to the kindhearted, thoughtful people of the Bon Carbo Volunteer Fire Department and Auxiliary.

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