Thursday, June 25, 2009

Chief's Corner

by Fire chief Mary Ann Herzog

I would like to start off by thanking all of the Bon Carbo residents, and people who work in the area, for their awareness of the fire danger and their safe practices in the last year. We were very lucky to have had only one fire call in 2008, which was a downed power line that ignited a tree. It takes a community effort to accomplish a safe environment. Also, I would like to thank everyone for their eyes and ears and the quick reaction to any suspicious smoke or any medical emergency. Thank You!
For the last several months, the Bon Carbo area has been under severe drought conditions. This makes us all more aware of what could happen if a fire started, either by lightning, human cause, or any other act of Mother Nature. If at any time you have questions on how to make your environment safer, please do not hesitate to call the Bon Carbo Volunteer Fire Department at 846-2399 Wednesday or Thursday from 9 am until 3 pm or call 846-8538 any time. We can schedule a time to come and give you recommendations and/or resources for a safe environment.
We are very fortunate to have a dedicated group of firefighters, administration, auxiliary members, state forestry personnel and district board members who spend many hours of their time providing protection for our community. We hve four firefighters who are also First Responders on the Trinidad Ambulance "quick response team". They are usually the first medical personnel on a medical emergency call. They are in constant communication with Trinidad Ambulance to provide first-hand knowledge of the condition of the patient. Our community is very spread out, yet we're a close-knit group, working well together.
If at any time you have questions, suggestions, constructive criticism or would just like to know more about what is going on in our community, please feel free to attend the monthly district board meetings, the auxiliary meetings, call to make an apointment or just drop by. You are always welcome.
Thank you!

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