Friday, July 29, 2011

Ten Tips to Remember When Stopped by a Colorado Officer

When you see the red and blue lights and/or hear a siren, remain calm and gradually pull to the right shoulder or as far off the right side of the road as you safely can.

Remain in your car unless the officer directs otherwise.

If the stop occurs during darkness, turn on your vehicle's interior lights so the Trooper can easily view the car's interior. Understand the Trooper may use a spotlight and/or a flashlight for safety purposes.

Driver and any passengers should keep their hands in plain sight so the officer can see them.

Avoid sudden movements that might cause alarm to the officer.

Do not immediately reach for your license or other documents until the officer requests them.

Tell the Trooper about any weapons in your vehicle.

If your documents are out of reach, tell the Trooper where they are before you slowly reach for them.

If there are any passengers in your vehicle, encourage them to remain quiet and cooperate with instructions. You, as the driver, are solely responsible for your vehicle and its occupants.

Follow instructions. Comply with the Trooper's request first and then, if needed, seek an explanation.

Published by the Colorado State Patrol
Operational Development Section 01/04

Posted by Colleen C.